Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Homeschool 2008

Our homeschool year is coming to a close. We are ending on the last day of April this year due to the baby coming! You can imagine the boys are stoked. I am letting go of my agenda and starting summer early. Summer is oh so short and we'll be back in the books before we know it.

This picture is of Sterling doing his handwritting assignment. We like to snuggle and do school. He's a cutie.

Next year I am thinking of having Sage do a blog for our homeschool as part of his curriculum. So stay tuned for that. He likes to write and take pictures. He doesn't know yet, so don't ask him about it, teehee..... I want it to be a surprise in the fall when we start school.

Have a great day!

Eggie Art For The Whole Family

We had some great fun decorating eggs together. All the boys had great fun expressing themselves through the mediums of eggs and dye. We used food coloring, water, vinegar and crayons. We might use some of the newer dye sets next year. We just used what we had on hand this time. Enjoy the photos.

Good Egg Hunting!

We hid 75 eggs, plus some special eggs in my sweat shirt pocket (given out as the boys hunted)...We had great fun, especially because the house was a mess!!! Lots of places to hide eggs.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Getting caught up...

So I thought I would spend this Sabbath getting caught up on my blogs. I have tons of great photos. I am also uploading photos to my knitting blog today, too. . .
Stay tuned for pictures from my 35th bday. . .

Here's the boys looking so handsome. I needed to send an updated photos to our friends in France......it didn't take long to get them to stand still..........and not start to wrestle.
Sage builds a glorious snowman with hair and everything.......

Eli and his snow creation. . .
Sterling and his itty bitty mini snowman. Looks sort of like a platypus. The snow was awesome for a few hours, then our waterlogged front yard sort of ruined the white glory. We had so much snow last year. We've had a lot more sunshine late Feb and now MARCH (Is it already March?) I will take daylight over snow any day.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Boys and Comics....Rainy Camping Fun

It only took me 6 months, but I got it done. Please enjoy these posts from our camping trip to the Olympic Peninsula in August.

Ocean Photo Montage